Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger Tube Plugs-1


Custom-Fabricated and Ready-to-Ship
Heat Exchanger Tube Plugs

Heat Exchanger Tube Plugs


We maintain an inventory of over 50,000 standard shell & tube heat exchanger tube plugs, in a variety of sizes and materials—in stock and ready-to-ship at all times—to support rapid response for all your routine and urgent field maintenance and repair purposes.  Stock tube plugs are available for immediate shipment, with a minimum order of 25 required.

We also manufacture custom heat exchanger tube plugs for unique size and materials requirements.

Whether you need to seal off or block individual tubes that may be leaking, damaged, or in need of isolation due to operational changes—or as a precautionary measure during plant shutdowns and turnarounds to maintain system integrity and safety, we can assist with all your tube plug needs.

24-7 Heat Exchanger Services


Call us today to speak with one of our heat exchanger fabrication specialists at: 409-842-1626 or click to contact us below: 

Learn More: FREE Heat Exchanger
Project Development Package

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FREE Seminar: Heat Exchanger
Design & Fabrication Principals

Join us in Beaumont, Texas!

This on-site course for new engineers and others combines classroom discussion with a tour of our active shop to provide a complete, understanding of the shell & tube heat exchanger specification, design and fabrication process!

Open to qualified owners/operators and EPC participants only




Heat Exchanger
Fabrication Services

Metalforms is an industry leader in the design and fabrication of shell & tube heat exchangers for midstream oil & gas, refining, petrochemical, specialty chemical, and other process industries.

With 24/7 fabrication teams—and parallel, multi-track, project execution capabilities—we support all your project project needs—from greenfield projects to plant turnarounds, overhauls, debottlenecking, modifications, and upgrades—as well as urgent, emergency heat exchanger replacement.

7 - Contract Machining & Drilling

Heat Exchanger
Machining & Drilling

Our specialized contract drilling and CNC machining services let our customers enjoy all the benefits of our superior tools and quality for both routine—and emergency—fabricated parts and components for shell & tube heat exchangers and ASME pressure vessels.

With 24-7 teams and extensive shop capacity, Metalforms is your ideal partner to help prevent and reduce downtime for all your planned turnarounds—and unplanned outages.


Full Service Heat Exchanger
Tube Bundle Fabrication

Our Bundle Shop produces the highest quality shell & tube heat exchanger tube bundles and air cooler (ACHEs) tube bundles for newly fabricated heat exchangers, replacement, or repair. 

In addition to the assembly of new tube bundle units, the Shop performs expert bundle repairs—including complete strip and retube services for both TEMA type heat exchangers and ACHEs.